Saturday 3 November 2018

Competition in Focus

Competition in Focus

Page 6 of Competition in Focus Arihant Publication   has HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX 2018
 This article is seen on page 6 in Competition in Focus Arihant Publication   The overall trend globally is toward continued human development improvements, with many countries moving up through the human development categories: out of the 189 countries for which the HDI is calculated, 59 countries are today in the very high human development group and only 38 countries Competition in Focus Arihant Publication   fall in the low HDI group. Just eight years ago in 2010, the figures were 46 and 49 countries respectively. Ireland enjoyed the highest increase in HDI rank between 2012 and 2017 moving up 13 places, Competition in focus while Turkey, the Dominican Republic and Botswana were also developing strongly, each moving up eight places.  India has climbed one spot to 130 out of 189 countries in the latest human development rankings released on September 14, 2018 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). In 2016, India's HDI value of 0.624 put it at 131 rank.  In this year's Human Development Index, Norway (0.953), Switzerland (0.944), Australia (0.939), Ireland (0.938) and Germany (0.936) are in the top-5. Central African Republic (0.367), South Sudan (0.388), Chad (0.404) and Burundi (0.417) are the lowest in the world. Marshall Islands is a new addition Competitionin focus.

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